Daragh in Provence – Purple Haze

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Daragh in Provence – Purple Haze

As we start to move on from our superb winter adventures our focus is shifting to Spring and summer. It’s feeling a bit warmer out there? Earlier starts but glorious colours, warm lighting, and epic glow. With this in mind, our very own Daragh Muldowney has stopped by the blog this week to showcase some of his stunning images from Provence. Team ExploreLight will be hitting this purple wonderland come June. If you fancy coming along CLICK HERE or just read on and enjoy Daragh’s amazing images and story .. Over to you mate ..

I always wanted to visit Provence when the full show was on.  To experience for myself what it must be like to stand amongst row after row of lavender in bloom. I was not disappointed…

I arrived in Valensole about 60 minutes before sunrise to get to my chosen lavender field. A lone olive tree at the end of stunning purple rows. For miles, before I arrived I could smell the lavender filling the air. I parked and got out and the incredible aroma was sweet and surreal, a memory that will last forever. I got to my chosen row and waited for the light. The sun rose side lighting the purple rows and the olive tree. and suddenly the bees woke up. They knew – like a switch had been triggered. Probably how we feel heading out for sunrise with expectation in the air. They were buzzing all around me  creating a constant but gentle hum. The sun got hotter warming my body and soon it was an assault on my senses…smell, visuals, audio and touch. A glorious morning immersed in my own purple haze.

Over the next 2 days I moved around from field to field capturing different compositions from abstracts to minimal trees and stone huts all surrounded by purple and the gentle huming of nature at work. 

I then moved on to Sault where I found some unique lavender fields. I hiked up the side of a hill which gave me an elevated view looking onto a fantastic field with some lone trees. Great fun playing with the different compositions from this vantage point.

Post hill I hit the local bakery beside a lavender field serving fantastic coffee and pastries. France for me is more than photography. Its a cultural expereince. Great coffee and top notch pasteries are always a  fantastic way to wind down after shooting the sunrise.

In total, I spent 6 days looking all over this stunning part of France for just the right angles, the perfect lavender and of course just the right light. Honestly its an entrancing expereince when these fields are glowing. The place just feels alive with nature and colour. Hopefully some of the pictures in this blog reflect that expereince and that connection I feel I have to the place. Can’t wait to get back this coming June and live it all again. If you fancy sampling some of this epic beauty with me just click through on the link below and check out the upcoming workshop. Best wishes for now .. Daragh ..

Why not join us in Provence and smell the lavender for yourself ?

Provence June 2022

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